Saturday, November 10, 2018

Earth quake babies!

 "Can you come on Saturday and we'll finish the sewing." "Oh, I thought you weren't coming.  We are kind of busy making a foundation."
So we roll with it....
 The dirt is where their house was before it fell in the earthquakes.  The tarps are where they are sleeping.  The tin is what they could pull off her mom's house and is a storage room and kitchen.  It has a lot of leaks.
 Their home since August.
 the front "door" going in

 But they have been sewing and making these "Earth quake babies" in hopes of raising some money to continue to rebuild their house.

 I asked how high the cinder block walls will be. "We don't have money yet.  We'll do the foundation first and wait until we have some money.  The walls will go up waist high."  After that they will use sheet rock or bamboo slats, which will be cheaper and not as dangerous if we have more either quakes.
 Their kitchen and our lunch. :)
 This is the salvaged tin.  They aren't sleeping in here, one, because it leaks, two because it is HOT, and three because it is under a mango tree... and mangoes falling on a tin roof at night don't make for great sleep.
 They used something like Styrofoam and gasoline to plug up the big holes.

 All these photos are from one home but the other lady's house also fell.  She now has a one room wood and tin house made from a gazebo.  Her mom's house next to her is made from a tarp.  But with rainy season starting last night and us getting a hard rain ever day... the tarps are tearing.

 a job well done!

and the "Earth quake babies" will be on the way to the US in a few days!

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