Thursday, July 30, 2020

 It has been two years since our month of big earthquakes!  We've had a few small ones since then but nothing like the ones that started at the end of July and shook us all the month of Augest!
 "They said we'll get a house..."  "They said they would start next week and 3 months latter they haven't come back."  "This (Corona time) is worse than the earthquakes.  There is no where to go for a job."
 Sorry these are all from the back on the bike... but it's the houses that have been rebuilt.  There are still piles of rubble left in some places.  There are still boroken and abandoned buildings.  And there are still people wateing for govenment help.

 a new wooden mosque

Sunday, July 26, 2020

 from the three days he was "an only child"... we had to go get him a new passport.

 He LOVES meteores.
 That white rabbit climbs!  I found her in the pipe on top of the cage but didn't have my camra fast enough to snap her front and back sticking out ON TOP of the cage.

 Journey's very first letter she's written.  I hleped her with "America" and "School".  Hector made her change "becuze."

and Pierce's first signature.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

 Hopper can't hold up his ears anymore.  We don't know why but he's cute.

 And everybody loves Dasey.

 Wimpy, Popeye, and Olive Oil...

Sunday, July 19, 2020

 a friend took these shots :oP

Thursday, July 9, 2020

 We went to the elephant park... but it was closed.  So we went to the "grand canyion".
 Then had a bee attack...
 but all in all a good day.